Terms of Use

Terms of Use


If a person (hereinafter the “User”) visits and/or uses the website www.wannawin.ca(the “Website” or “Wannawin”) he declares that he has accepted all the Terms of Use.


The present General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to the entire contents of the Website, belonging to ConcoursMania Canada Inc. (hereinafter the “Editor”). The registered office is located at 465 rue McGill, suite 700, Montréal, Québec, H2Y 2H1, Canada

At any moment, and without prior notification, the Editor has the right to modify the present General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website.

Each User should regularly consult the present general Terms and Conditions of Use in order to be aware of potential changes. If a User connects to the Website on a regular basis, he must be aware of the present general Condition of Use and must accept them.


The Website, its general framework, texts, graphics, images, sounds and videos are owned by the Editor.

The whole Website is under the Canadian and international legislation regarding copyright and intellectual property. Any complete or partial representation, reproduction, publication, use of all or any of the elements of the Website (trademarks, logo, software, data, information, text, illustration, pictures, banners, buttons, pop-up, music and other distinctive signs) and all the Services offered by the Website, regardless of the means used, is strictly forbidden except under prior written authorization. It could be considered as a copyright violation under the article 27 and following regarding copyright law (“L.R.C.” law of 1985). The relevant text can be found here: http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/C-42.pdf

Any requests concerning the written authorisation mentioned below must be sent to the Editor’s Registered Office.

The User assigns its intellectual property rights to the Editor and free of charge. These rights cover messages and content published on the Website, especially the rights of reproduction, representation and adaptation via all known and to date unknown media or support, on Internet or not, and for unlimited time.

The User, its successors, or assigns waive any moral rights that he/she may have therein in favor of the Editor.


The Website Content

The Editor strives to keep the Website up to date but cannot guarantee that the Website contained timely information. The Editor reserves the right to change these information at any time, without notice.

The information contained on the Website is given purely for information purposes. The information could not be interpreted as suggestions, orders or queries.

The Editor shall in no event be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information contained of the Website.

The User is the only person legally responsible for the content (texts, images, sounds, etc.) shared on forums, blogs, discussion groups, social media networks. The Editor only acts in these sections as a sole web space-provider, without general obligation on the Editor to monitor content.

As a result, the User guarantee the Editor against any proceedings, dispute, claim, damage and interest claim. This also applies in case a third party’s content is sharing on the Website. The Editor reserves the right to call the User as guarantor. The User waives exercising any recourse against the Editor due an illicit use and/or exploitation by a third party of the Website.

At the request of the judicial authority or from a third party, the Editor reserves the right to share all the information within its possession enabling or facilitating the User identification. The information convers IP address and time of connection, especially if the User do not respect the obligations mentioned in the Present General Terms and Conditions of Use.

Organisation of Wannawin’s Contests

It is stated that the website is the English version of the website Toutacoup. Users registered on one of the two sites may technically use their unique account on both sites provided that the Tokens won on Wannawin are used exclusively on Wannawin and the Tokens won on Toutacoup are exclusively used on Toutacoup, in order to respect the principles of loyalty and equal opportunities between players. In case of non-compliance with this rule, Users may see their use of Tokens refused. The Editor reserves the right to transfer the User’s Tokens won with Toutacoup to the Wannawin’s account, and vice versa. If the User prefers his Tokens to be transferred to his Toutacoup account, the Editor will review his demand and will not be binding to follow it, and if the Editor does accept it, it would be only once.

The Website features new Contests every day: electronics, trips, gift cards, gift certificates, appliances, shows, and much more. The idea behind the free Contests is very simple: register, play and win. All the Contests available on our Website (apart from the Section “Partners’ Contest, as described in details below) are organized by ConcoursMania Canada Inc.

The Contest is open to Canadian residents that provide their legal names, mailing address, phone number and email address on their registration form. Entrants that provide nicknames or any other name substitution will not be considered for the Contest draw. Each person is authorized to maintain one account only (based on legal name and mailing address). In case of use of several accounts for one User, the Editor reserves the right to delete the said account(s) most recent. It means that the only account accepted should be the first created by the User. If so, the Tokens won with the deleted acount(s) would be once and for all lost, the prizes won with the deleted account(s) would not be awarded. The Editor will notify the deletion of the fraudulent account(s) to the User concerned, by an email destined to all of the e-mail addresses used by the User. In case of repetition, all accounts of the User will be deleted, Tokens and prizes will be once and for all lost. The Editor reserves the right to ask to any User contesting the deletion of fraudulent accounts, a copy of his identity document (driving license, identity card or passport) attesting the personal information provided by the User.

At the time of the subscription, the User creates a personal account and agrees or refuses to receive Wannawin's newsletter and partner's offers as well as invitations received by friends. The choice to receive any such offers does not affect the User’s likelihood of winning any individual Contest. The User may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time through a dedicated unsubscribing link present in each email. The User may also unsubscribe at any time by contacting the Editor via the “Contact Us” link. It may take up to 24 hours for a request to unsubscribe to take effect.

Any Entrant, by participating in a Contest, agrees that if he wins his name and his city may be used for promotional purposes without any further compensation aside from the won prize.

Contest officers have the right to remove any participation form from spammers as well as the ones coming from doubtful address.

Contest officers have also the right to cancel and/or close a member account without reservation, especially in case of fraud, identity theft, communication of false data, bad faith, and misuse of the website or its apps. If the owner of all or part of Wannawin was to change, your data could be transferred to the new owner so that the website could continue to run. In that case, your user information would remain covered by any pre-existing user privacy policy engagement.

The Contest beneficiaries are not liable or responsible in any way for any cancelation of a Contest or the failure to deliver a prize due to any of the following reasons: company strike, employee lock out, technical problems or any other problems of similar nature.

The prizes are not exchangeable for their money value or for another prize. The prizes are not transferable to another person and have to be accepted as they are given by Wannawin.ca. In the case of a discrepancy between the announced value of the prize and its real value, no compensation will be given to the winner.

Employees of the Editor, Wannawin.ca or their immediate family members and people living with them cannot enter the Contest.

Wannawin.ca and its affiliate websites are not liable or responsible for any problems encountered by Contestants including but not restricted to: technical difficulties of phone lines, online computer network, servers or any other material.

The Wannawin's tokens do not represent any monetary value and will not be able to have any financial compensation.

The Wannawin's tokens can be only used by the regular member of the account. The Wannawin's tokens are and remain in all the cases the property of Wannawin.ca which grants to its members the permission to use the Wannawin's tokens they acquired on the Wannawin website.

The Wannawin's tokens credited on the member's account cannot in any case be transferred to another account, compiled with another account, shared with another account or used with other ends that those defined in this Terms of Use. The Tokens can not either be used on Toutacoup website.

The Wannawin's tokens credited on the member's account are valid for 6 months from the date of the last token accumulated in the account of the Wannawin's member. Wannawin.ca is not responsible for troubleshooting from email software's which can bring to a wrong calculation of Wannawin's tokens.

Wannawin reserves the right to delete and / or add Tokens to the account holder. Wannawin may remove Tokens and / or close a member's account if a regular member benefits from a technical error, use malicious software to fraudulently increase the number of Tokens and / or participation in contests or other games.

We sometimes make our mailing lists, available to companies or organizations offering products and services which may be of interest to our members. Unsubscribing from these lists may take up to 5 business days. If you want to be removed from that listing, simply send us a written request to: Wannawin.ca, ConcoursMania Canada Inc., 261 rue saint-Jacques, Montréal, QC, Canada, H2Y 1M6.

The master copy of this Contest is available at Wannawin.ca offices, ConcoursMania Canada Inc. 261 rue saint-Jacques, Montréal, QC, Canada, H2Y 1M6.

HyperText Links

The Website contains hypertext links referring to third party websites. These links are available on the Website for general information purposes only. The Editor has no control over these websites and is not responsible or liable in any way for their access, their content, or uses of such websites, or for any damage resulting from the consultation of the information posted on these Websites. A User deciding to visit a third party website via the hypertext links available on the Website assumes full responsibility of this action.

In our Section « Partner’s Contest », the User will find hypertext links of products and services offered by a third party. If a User wants to participate to one of our “Partner’s Contests” though this section, organized by a partner or a third party, the User will automatically be redirected to the Partner or third party website.

The Editor is not responsible or liable for the content and activities of third party websites.

Accessibility on the Website

The Editor strives to ensure the Website accessible 24 hours a day. However, the Editor declines any responsibility resulting from:

  • The Website interruption for technical maintenance operations or actualisation of published information;
  • Momentary unable to access to the Website due to technical problems regardless of its nature and source;
  • Direct or indirect damages for the User of any kind whatsoever, resulting from the content, the access or Website’s use;
  • Abnormal use or illicit exploitation of the Website. In such a situation, the User is the only person liable to the damages caused to a third party. The User will also be liable for the direct consequences of such a damage.

Characteristics and limits of the Internet

Entering the Website implies knowledge and acceptance by the User of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, specifically regarding its technical performance, the response time for consulting, examining or transferring information, the risk of interruption, and more generally, the risks inherent in any Internet connection and transmission, the lack of protection for certain data against any misappropriation or piracy and the risk of contamination by viruses on the network.

As a result, the Editor is not responsible or liable (but not limited to these situations) for:

  • the transmission and/or of the receipt of any data and/or information with undesirable content on Internet,
  • any malfunction of the Internet network preventing the proper access to the Website and/or the good progress and/or operation for one or more Contests suggested on the Website,
  • a defect in any receiving equipment or lines of communication,
  • the loss of any paper mail or electronic mail, and, more generally, the loss of any data,
  • delivery problems,
  • any malfunction of software,
  • the consequences of any virus, computer problem, anomaly or technical defect,
  • any damage caused to a computer of a User,
  • technical, hardware or software defect of any nature whatsoever which may prevent or limit participation for one or more Contests suggested on the Website or which may damage the computer system of the User.
  • possible malfunction of the Internet network involving failures in the administration, safety, integrity or the management of Contests or services offered on the Website.

Each entrant visiting the Website and taking part to the Contests is acting under its own responsibility.

It is up to each User to take the necessary precautions to protect their own information, software and computer equipment against any damage.


The use of the Website and the Present General Terms and Conditions of Use are to be ruled and interpreted under the law of Quebec, Canada, without regard to conflict of law principles. Regardless of location, any litigation caused by the validity, interpretation, acceptance, or achievement of the Present General Terms and Conditions of Use will be subject to an attempt of settlement. If no amical agreement is reached within (3) three months, the tribunal located in the judicial district of Montreal (Province of Quebec) shall have sole jurisdiction in settling any litigation, even in the event of call in guarantee, plurality of defendants, urgent or interim proceedings.