How to play ?

How the Wannawin website works ?

Wannawin is a free online contest site allowing you to win prizes (gift cards, cash, cameras, phones, tablets, smart watches...).

There are three types of contests.

* The chrono contests where every hour a new contest is posted, and the daily contests which offers you a new contest every day. For these two types of contests, the draws are made at random, so you can now try your luck and win!

concours chrono

concours journalier

* The third type of contest is the weekly contests. We publish new ones every week on Mondays and Thursdays, ending on Tuesdays. These contests last for three weeks and you must bet points to try your luck. The more points you bet, the more chances you have to win!

concours hebdomadaire

concours hebdomadaire

concours hebdomadaire

concours hebdomadaire

So now you must ask yourself how to win points ! All you must do is play our different online games : Sudoku, Crossword puzzle, Quiz, Lotto game and others that you will find in the Games page.

concours hebdomadaire

Finally, every month we organize an event game to make you win big prizes. The winners are drawn by lot. We announce these events in our newsletters and on our Facebook page a few days before.

In order to maximize your chances of winning, we advise you, in one hand, to play the chrono and daily contests on a regular basis. And in another hand to play our permanent and event games to accumulate enough points to bet them in the weekly contests.

Attention you must be connected to your account for your participation to be accepted.

Good luck !