

  • How can you log out from your account ?
  • How can you receive Wannawin’ newsletters ?
  • How can you change your email address, password and/or postal informations ?
  • How can you change your email address for a new one ?
  • You don’t remember your password. How can you get it back ?
  • You wish to cancel your account.
  • The system says your postal code is invalid.



  • What is the difference between all the contests ?
  • How does the ‘Chrono’ contest work ?


The Price Is Right

  • How does The Price is Right game works ?
  • What do you win playing The Price is Right ?

From Word to Word


  • How are chosen the winners ?
  • How are contacted the winners ?
  • How long a winner has to confirm its postal informations ?
  • How long does it take to receive a prize ?
  • Where can you find your name on the site ?

Wannawin tokens

  • How can you win tokens ?
  • How can you add tokens ?
  • What can you do with your tokens ?
  • Do the tokens have an expiration date ?
  • Do you have to play your tokens ?
  • Can you transfer your tokens from a contest to another ?
  • Can you add tokens on a contest already played ?
  • What is the value of a token ?
  • You won tokens on a contest and/or a game but they do not appear in your account.


  • What are the surveys for ?
  • Are you oblige to answer a survey ?